Kindle Lending Library

For those of you with Kindles: check me out! My books are not only available to buy on the Kindle- yeah, that was sooooo a plug, but you & all your friends can check it out in the lending library for FREE! Yes, you’re reading that correctly.

So, tell all your friends to check out either Born on a Blood Moon, or Guardians on their Kindle. I can’t promise the autographs like with an honest to goodness hard copy novel, so come up with something else & I’ll gladly sign that. LOL But no body parts, ’cause that would just be weird.

Feel free to let me know how it works. Peace out for now.

One response to “Kindle Lending Library

  1. This is great! You are on Kindle now! So hurry up and get all the other books done woman! We need to read your awesome creations! We need inspiration in our crazy lives!

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